Guidelines for Editors and Reviewers

Expected contribution of Editors

The primary responsibility of an Editor will be to edit manuscripts after they have been peer-reviewed. The editor will ensure that revisions have been completed if requested by peer reviewers. The editor will also make sure that manuscripts are grammatically correct, consistent in style, readable, and free of plagiarism or other scientific misconduct, which will ensure that the articles published possess required scientific rigor.

Guidelines for Reviewers

We believe that to ensure the quality of research, we need to take the help from our reviewers. Without their help, ensuring the quality and timeliness of the publication is not possible. The standards of double blind reviews are very much crucial for ensuring the quality of academic journals, and it plays a key role in the editors’ decision to publish the research paper. We expect all our reviewers to provide timely review in a fair manner and evaluate the articles in depth without being biased. It is expected from you to follow these guidelines during review process:
  1. The reviewer has to make his recommendations on the research paper within 10 days of getting the instructions from editorial board. In case you can’t meet the deadline then please contact the editor immediately so that the article can be sent to another reviewer.
  2. Ensure the confidentiality of the research paper and all communications between the journal and reviewers. Don’t pass the manuscript to any third person without prior permission from the editorial board.
  3. Your comments regarding the article should be developmental and courteous in nature. It is assumed that you are qualified enough to provide an expert opinion about the manuscript. Try to find both strengths of the article as well as areas which need to be improved.
  4. Reviewers should analyze the article based on following criteria:
    • Significance of the study
    • Meaningful ideas and clarity of arguments
    • Consciences of the manuscript
    • Coherence between titles, abstract, keywords, introduction and findings
    • Logical structure of the article
    • Appropriateness of statistical analysis, tables and figures
    • Relevance with regard to the journal
    • Standards of citation
    • Layout of the article
  5. Since your recommendations are sent to respective authors, please ensure that it’s fair and correct. Also be simple and specific, so that authors can easily understand them. It is solicited to not to criticize the author directly for his/her work.